The Beach: My Haven, My Hope

Commended Entry: "The Beach: My Haven, My Hope" by Cojitha Senanayake from Sri Lanka

This article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2021 in the Senior Category 12 - 15 years.

The Beach

The sea has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Probably, this is because I am from Sri Lanka: a small island nation nestled in the Indian Ocean. Even my school is situated right next to the ocean. In fact, it is fondly referred to by many people as "The School by the Sea."

I visit Mount Lavinia beach whenever I can, for it is my safe haven and my second home. I love watching the white-tipped waves glide through the rocks and come crashing onto the shore. I like to see the tall palm trees swaying in unison to the rhythm of the wind. Also, I love to look out far into the horizon while the sun paints the sky in shades of burnt amber and picture what lies beyond it.

However, what is most fascinating is probably seeing the people at the beach, for they all seem genuinely happy here. Beaming children run around excitedly with buckets and spades in their hands, building gigantic fortresses and beautiful castles on the golden sand. Adults, too, seem carefree here. Their worries and busy schedules appear to have been tossed aside, at least for a while. There are vendors on the beach selling juicy cubes of pineapple garnished with sea salt and chili flakes, which only a few people can resist. In the evening, we often see fishermen coming ashore in their rafts. Together they pull their nets laden with small fish onto the sand, often to the rhythmic chanting of "Hoiya, Hoiya." Speaking of fishermen, sometimes when we venture to the South of Sri Lanka, we even come across stilt fishermen, perched atop stick crosses with fishing rods in their hands in the shallow waters of the ocean.

Although the Mount Lavinia beach is a hive of activity on the weekends, I have it almost all to myself on weekdays, and I treasure it.

At the beach, the cares of everyday life always seem to disappear into nothingness. The sea has a way of putting everything into perspective.

It teaches us to be resilient and to be hopeful. We see the sandcastles built with care during the day being washed away with the sweep of the tide at dusk. Yet, children are seldom deterred by this, for new castles will always replace the old. We know this with near certainty, and we accept it with a feeling of calm and a sense of hope.

Thank you for your wonderful essay "The Beach", Cojitha. Your description of the beach scene transports us to your safe haven, your beach, and shares your sense of wonder, curiosity and at the same time induces calmness. Life is full of ups and downs and forever goes on. Let's remember your beach scene and we can feel this sense of calm. Thank you! Congratulations! Well done!

Cojitha Senanayake is a student at St Thomas' College in Colombo/ Sri Lanka.

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