Essay Winners

Here they are... the essay winners 2023!

In this 8th annual essay competition on Kids World Travel Guide, we received almost 300 entries from 29 countries and students entered with a wide range of home languages - we are amazed by your kindness!

Congratulations to our fabulous prize-winners! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful essays! And a huge Thank You to ALL who participated this year and again made this competition such a huge success! 


2023 was a record year for our competition.. Almost 300 entries showed us that students are engaged and concerned about wildlife and that being kind to nature and protecting our planet is a great desire for our young participants. We are grateful that our competition inspired the creativity of the young students who covered a wide range of topics under the 2023 theme: Wildlife - Nature's Stars.

From insightful tips on how to best conserve energy and support wildlife to stories about conservation initiatives and personal achievements. There were many highly creative stories, some of them more critical and inspirational others more factual and some very imaginative.

It is truly inspiring and motivating to witness how many of you went out of your comfort zones and shared your knowledge so compassionately! We are grateful to everyone of you who try to make this world a better place for all of us!

congratulations winners 2023

We again have very much enjoyed reading, shortlisting and discussing the many extraordinary essays and were amazed by the high quality essays. This time, however, we were also astounded of how many students tried to send in essays that have been composed and written completely by AI generators. Yes, we checked all of the entries! And let us tell you, these essays were not the best!

Especially to all who went above this effort, we thank you very much for your input even if your essay entry did not make it into the final round or the commended entries. This year we add again several outstanding essays per category as "commended essays". We decided to publish all the wonderful work because the extraordinary skills of those participants who made it into our final round, were exemplary and we want to give you all more space on our page as well! You can be so very proud of your achievements!

Please bear with us, as all the commended entries will be added to the site only closer to the end of this month.

Now finally we can announce the 2023 winners for each category.

Drumroll, please... here they are:

Essay Competition Winners
'Wildlife - Nature's Stars"

Age Category: 8 - 11 years


being a regal bird


malaysian tiger
red panda

All winners have been notified via email about their success in the essay competition. Congratulations! Prizes and certificates will be despatched by the end of the month.

This year we again added a special mentions category for several outstanding essays of our finalists. 

Special Mention

pangolin essay 2023 sri lanka
  • Mumudi Gajadeera: "Web". Horizon College International in Malabe/ Sri Lanka. English as Second Language. Home language is Sinhalese
rani speaks tiger essay
tragopan world of birds essay
my safari experience
wild dog essay
orang utan essay 2023
white rhino essay
  • Grace Young: "Dream". Currently World Schooling from Denver, Colorado/ USA. English as First Language. Other Home Language Spanish
asiatic lion essay 2023
favourite animal giraffe essay
story of a sea turtle
pouakai essay 2023
red pandas essay 2023

All "special mention" essays will receive their merit certificates by the end of this month. 

Age Category: 12 -15 years


ocean hatchlings


dolphin essay
podi aththa

All winners have been notified via email about their success in the essay competition. Certificates and prizes have been dispatched. Congratulations again! Well done! Keep on writing!

Special Mention

save the planet
planet warriors essay porpoise
Kruger adventure lilac breasted roller
platypus essay
favorite animal lynx
white lions essay
wildlife conservation essay
cheetah essay 2023
  • V.A.T. Mandini Samarawickrama: "Through the pygmy forests". Swarnamali Girls' College in Kandy/ Sri Lanka. English as Additional Language. Home Language is Sinhala.
deforestation essay
endangered madagascar
endangered animals essay

Thank you for your wonderful essays! All these excellent essays will make a great reading and are an inspiration! Merit award certificates for "special mention" essays will be sent to the participants by the end of the month.


Keep honing your writing skills while exploring the world around you, there is nothing better than sharing ideas and insights!

Our competition stats and the infographic for the 2023 competition will be shown here by end of November 2023. Please watch this space....

Essay Competition Winners

And for those of you who want to compare the newest statistics to the 2022 and the 2021 stats, here they are:

Competition Statistics 2022


Competition Statistics 2021

Kids World Travel Guide essay winners 2021 - infographic

Now, if you are interested in our previous competition winners, check out their essays in the last years' listings below:

Competition Winners 2022:
"My Life"

Age Category: 8 - 11 years



Special Mention

Age Category: 12 - 15 years



Special Mention

Competition Winners 2021:

Age Category: 8 - 11 years



Special Mention

Age Category: 12 - 15 years



Special Mention

Competition Winners 2020:
"My Country"

Age Category: 8 - 11 years



Special Mention

Age Category: 12 -15 years



Special Mention

Essay Competition Winners
2019: 'The Gift of Languages'

Age Category: 8-11 years


Zachary Ming Zhi Tan from St. Joseph Institution International Elementary School in Singapore

'My Journey to Explore the Gift of the Chinese Language'


Emily Bates from Wales/UK (Homeschooled)

'My Language Adventures'

Age Category 12-15 years


Tristan Kuhn from South Africa (Home educated)

'For the Love of Linguae'


Lana Labudović from Ladimirevci Primary School in Croatia

'The Beauty of Languages'

Special Prize

Javier Yung from Chung Cheng High School in Singapore 

'Si+nglish= ...English?'

Essay Competition Winners
2018: 'My Favourite Festival'

Age Category: 8 - 11 years


Vidhyuth Viswanathan from Urbana Sugarloaf Elementary School, USA

'Diwali Festival of Lights'

Read his essay here.


Pranavkrishna Bharanidharan from California Montessori Project, India/USA


Read his essay here.

Age Category: 12 -15 years


Nuthara Karunarathna from Lyceum International School, Sri Lanka

'Vesak Day'

Read her essay here.


Javier Yung from Singapore

'Moon Cake Festival'

Read his essay here.

We really enjoyed all your entries, so please do not give up on your dream if you want to become a writer but your essay was not chosen for publication this time.

Never give up! Keep on writing and honing your skills and join in our next competition! ... And for some of you we will have a special treat, so keep our site bookmarked and you might hear from us regarding a special publication of your entry on another page on this site. Cheers!

Essay Competition Winners
2017: 'My Favourite Holiday'

Age Category: 8 - 11 years



Age Category: 12 -15 years



All winners will be notified via email about their success in the essay competition to claim their prizes which then will be dispatched in the coming week. Congratulations again! Well done! Keep on writing!

Essay Competition Winners
2016: 'My Country'

Age Category: 8 - 11 years


Matilda Rumball-Smith from New Zealand, Ngunguru School

'New Zealand - Aoteorea'

Read the award-winning essay here


Kundana Panuganti from the USA, Eason Elementary School

'My Country India'

Poem Schway from the USA, Christa McAuliffe School

'Austria - The Wonder'

Read her essay here.

Age Category: 12 - 15 years


Sree Panuganti from the USA, Timberline School

'Incredible India'

Read the award-winning essay here


Ana Sofia Moreno from South Africa, Curro Schools

'My Country South Africa'

Image credits on essay competition winners page: and own images

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essay announcement 2025
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