Lithuania Facts for Kids

Interesting Facts for Kids

Here are some interesting Lithuania Facts for kids which were chosen by and researched for children.

lithuania headerLithuania Facts for Kids: Vilnius, Gediminas Tower
  • Continent: Europe 
  • Population: 2.8 million people live in Lithuania (2024)
  • Capital: Vilnius with 600,000 inhabitants
lithuania flagFlag of Lithuania
  • Name: Lietuvos Respublika, Republic of Lithuania
  • Government: Semi-presidential republic 
  • Official languages: Lithuanian
  • Literacy: 99% can read and write
  • Religion: 80% Christians 
  • Currency: 1 euro = 100 cents
  • National Symbols: white stork (national bird), yellow, green and red (national colours), the double cross 
  • Prime minister: Ingrida Šimonytė (since 2020)
  • President: Gitanas Nausėda (since 2019)
  • History: The first people in the region were Baltic tribes who were hunter-gatherers. In 1253, the Kingdom of Lithuania was formed under King Mindaugas. The kingdom was expanded over the years and by the end of the 14th century, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was the strongest state in Europe. In 1596, Lithuania formed a commonwealth state together with Poland. At that time, this was one of the largest and richest states in Europe. In 1795, the Russian Empire annexed most parts of the territory. After the first World War, Lithuania gained independence, but was annexed by the Russians into the USSR in 1940. Lithuania was the first Baltic State to proclaim independence from Russia in 1991. Since 2005, Lithuania is a member of the EU.
  • National Day: 16 February (Independence Day)

Lithuania Geography
Where is Lithuania?

Lithuania lies in Northern Europe and is one of the Baltic States. Lithuania is the southernmost, the largest and the most populous of the three Baltic States. 

Lithuania borders the Baltic Sea of the North Atlantic Ocean and borders four countries: Latvia to the north, Belarus to the west and southwest, Poland to the south and Russia to the southeast.

lithuania coastlineLithuania coastline and Curonian Spit

Lithuania has the shortest coastline of the Baltic States, with only about 100 km/ 61 miles bordering the Baltic Sea. The sand-dune spit called "Curonian Spit" shelters a large lagoon which stretches down to the Russian enclave Kaliningrad. The Curonian lagoon, a huge freshwater lagoon is separated by the sandy spit from the Baltic Sea.

Lithuania has some of the tallest sand dunes in Europe with dunes reaching a hight of up to 60 m/ 197 feet.

The country is flat and has only some low and moderately high rolling hills. There are many lakes and wetlands in the country. The region of the six 'Green Lakes' in Verkiai near Vilnius are also known as one of the largest city parks of the world.

lithuania balsys lakeLake Balsys - one of the "Green Lakes"

About one third of Lithuania’s land area is covered by forests.

Lithuania is about the size of Sri Lanka or the size of the state of West Virginia/ USA.

Lithuania for Kids
Lithuania Superlatives

Here are some interesting facts about Lithuania's geography:

  • The geographical center of Europe is located in Vilnius! More exactly near the village of Purnuškės, about 25 km/ 15 miles north of Vilnius. Here is an image of the monument that relates to the Struve Geodetic Arc.
lithuania_geocentre_micheleursi_sskLithuania geo centre - image by Michele Ursi/
  • Lithuania's highest point is Aukštaitija which means Highland. The summit in northeastern Lithuania is 293 meters/ 961 ft above sea level. 
  • Lithuania's longest river is the Nemunas River. It runs through the country for about 937 km/ 582 miles and flows into the Baltic Sea. There are about 29,000 rivers in Lithuania.
  • The largest lake in Lithuania that is entirely in the country is Lake Drūkšiai. Lithuania has about 6,000 lakes.
lithuania_lake platelinaiLake Platelinai - the ninth biggest lake in Lithuania

Lithuania Facts | Animals in Lithuania

Wildlife in Lithuania includes deer, boars, rabbits and hedgehogs, moose, lynxes and wolves. The white stork is the national bird of Lithuania.

The roe deer are the most abundant deer and most common wild animal in Lithuania. There are about 120,000 roe deer in Lithuania. 

Foxes are the most common predators in the country.

lithuania red foxesYoung foxes - cubs

Lithuania Facts | Attractions

Lithuania has many fascinating landmarks and attractions for the whole family to explore.

There are five UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Vilnius Old Town, the Curonian Spit, and Kernavė Archaeological Site, Struve Geodetic Arc as well as the modernist buildings of the city of Kaunas. Other famous buildings and landmarks in Lithuania are:

lithuania vilnius cathedralVilnius Cathedral
lithuania gediminas towerGediminas Tower in Vilnius
lithuania church st anneSt Anne Church in Vilnius
lithuania trakaiTrakai Castle
lithuania hill of crossesHill of Crosses - a famous pilgrimage site
lithuania kaunasKaunas modernist Post Office - image by Birute Vijeikiene
lithuania kaunasKaunas Monastery
lithuania lake gelaLake Gela
lithuania kernaveKernavė archeological site
lithuania palanga pierPalanga Pier

Lithuania Facts for Kids
Lithuanian People

The three largest cities in Lithuania are the capital city Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. 

vilnius cityscape michele ursiVilnius Cityscape - image by Michele Ursi

People in Lithuania celebrate some unique pagan traditions such as Joninės or Rasos, which is the midsummer festival or Užgavėnės, celebrating the end of winter.

Christian holidays are also celebrated as the roman catholic belief has a big influence in daily life. Easter and Christmas are major holidays and baskets with food, eggs (margučiai) and bread are brought to church for blessing.

lithuania easter eggs MN StudioEaster eggs - image by MN Studio

Among the most well known Lithuanian politicians, artists, scientists and sportspeople are:

  • Gediminas (1315 - 1341) Grand Duke of Lithuania and founder of Vilnius
  • Birutė Galdikas (born 1946) - anthropologist and conservationist, known for her orang utan studies
  • Frank John Lubin (1910 - 1999) basketball player and in UCLA's Athletics Hall of Fame
  • Arvydas Sabonis (born 1964) - basketball player and Lithuania's tallest man with 2.23 m/ 7.4 ft
  • Deimantas Narkevičius (geb. 1964) - videographer, sculptor and designer with works in TATE Modern London
  • Anthony Kiedis (born 1962) - lead singer of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Lithuanian is one of the oldest languages in Europe and belongs to the Baltic language group. Lithuanian is closely related to the Latvian language.

If you are invited at a Lithuanian home, don't bring Chrisanthemums, which are common flowers at a funeral or any white flowers, as these are commonly only used at weddings.

Basketball is considered the national sport in Lithuania.

Lithuania Facts
Lithuania Economy

The economy of Lithuania is quite advanced and focuses on technology, services, and manufacturing.

Lithuania's capital city Vilnius has become a hub for startups and tech innovation and the city skyline shows that in the many newly built buildings in futuristic design.

lithuania vilnius by michele ursi sskVilnius business centre - image by Michele Ursi/

The rapidly growing technology sector plays an important role in the country's economy as does the agricultural sector. Lithuania is a major producer of grains, potatoes, and dairy products.

The main export and import partners are Latvia, Poland and Germany. The main exports are wheat, furniture, plastic products, natural gas and refined petroleum.

The Port of Klaipeda is the only deep-water port in the Baltic States and serves as a crucial trade and transportation hub for Lithuania.

lithuania euroLithuanian two euro coins

Lithuania is a member of the European Union, having joined in 2004. The EU membership has significantly impacted its economic development and trade.

Lithuania's currency is the euro since 1 January 2015. Before this the national currency was the litas.

The unemployment rate is relatively low. About 7% of the Lithuanian people are registered as seeking employment. Most people work in the services sector.

Lithuania Facts for Kids
Food in Lithuania

The main dishes in Lithuania often contain potatoes, fish and seafood, pork meat, root vegetables and cabbage.

The national dish is cepelinai which are large potato dumplings that are nicknamed zeppelins.

lithuania food cepelinaiCepelinai - Zeppelins

Cepelinai which means "zeppelins" are large dumplings made from grated potatoes and filled with pork or cheese. They are typically served with a creamy mushroom or sour cream sauce.

Here is some other typical Lithuanian food:

Lithuanian cuisineTraditional Lithuanian food: zeppelins, cabbage rolls, fish, potato cakes, potato pudding, rye bread
  • Kugelis: This baked potato pudding is made with grated potatoes, onions, eggs, and bacon. It is baked until golden brown and crispy on the outside.
  • Šaltibarščiai: The vibrant pink cold beet soup made from beets, cucumbers, and dill, often served with a dollop of sour cream and accompanied by boiled potatoes.
lithuania beetroot soupŠaltibarščiai: Cold beetroot soup
  • Varškės Sūreliai: These small cottage cheese bars are made with sweetened cottage cheese and often flavored with vanilla or chocolate. 
  • Pyragas: This is a general term for Lithuanian pastries or sweet snack. One popular type is filled with sweet cheese or fruit, such as apples or berries.
  • Aguonų Pyragas is a traditional cake made with poppy seeds and served at Christmas just like Šakotis, the very special looking "tree cake" that is served at special events.
lithuanian poppy seed cakeLithuanian poppy seed cake

Learn more about the Baltic States

baltic states header

Resources for Lithuania Facts for Kids

These are useful resources for Lithuania Facts for Kids:

  • Central Intelligence Agency. "Lithuania" World Fact BookUpdated 7 August 2024. Last accessed 29 August 2024
  • Elizabeth Georgian. "A Brief History of Cepelinai." The Culture Trip. 17 December 2019. Last accessed 29 August 2024
  • WikiMedia. "Purnuskes." Wikitravel. Last accessed 29 August 2024
  • Lithuanian Folk Institute. "Easter Eggs – Margučiai". LTFAI. Last accessed 29 August 2024
  • Commisceo Global Consulting. "Lithuania - Culture, Etiquette and Business Practices" Commisceo-global. Last accessed 29 August 2024

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