Continent Facts

20 Facts about the World's Continents you should know

Our Continent Facts for Kids provide lots of interesting and fun facts on the continents of the world.

Continent Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

There are seven continents and five oceans on our planet. The continents are the huge landmasses that separated by the waters of the oceans. On this page we will tell you more about the continents, about their sizes and special features.

The seven continents on our planet are: AfricaAsiaAntarcticaEuropa, North America and South America and Oceania/Australia. These 7 continents vary in size and population numbers.

20 Top Continent Facts

1. Asia is the largest continent in size. It has the biggest land area and the world's biggest population. This means most people on our Earth live on the Asian continent. 

Asia Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

2. About 4.6 billion people live in Asia. The Asian continent has the most populous cities, which means there are the biggest cities in the world. Many million people live in the urban centres of the Asian continent, in cities such as in Delhi, Tokyo, Shanghai or Beijing.

3. Asia houses some of the richest nations in the world. The tiny country Qatar on the Arabian peninsula is on of the richest nations in the world due to its income from oil exploration and the petroleum industry. Saudi-Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are also among richest countries in the world due to their oil reserves. 

4. The most languages are spoken in Asia - over 2,300 languages! However, most of these languages are spoken only by small groups of people. 2,000 languages of the world's 7,000 languages are spoken by less than 1,000 people! 

Chinese is the language with the most native speakers - with almost 1.4 billion people speaking it.  

Read more about the Asian continent here.

5. Australia/Oceania is the smallest continent of the planet. Strictly speaking Oceania is a geographic region that includes Australasia, Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia.

Oceania Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

This means AustraliaNew ZealandVanuatu and the many islands to the north and east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean are this region and thus on this continent. Australia is the largest landmass in the region and thus often also referred to as a continent.

6. About 43 million people live in Oceania. The most populous cities of the continent are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth - all these cities are in Australia.

Read more about Oceania here.

7. Africa is the continent with the most countries. There are 54 countries on the African continent.

About 1.3 billion people live in Africa. The largest cities of the African continent are Lagos/Nigeria, Kinshasa/DR Congo and Cairo/Egypt.

Africa Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

8. The oldest human fossils such as skeletons and skulls have been discovered in Africa, therefore the African continent is also referred to as the 'cradle of humankind'. 

9. From the 15th - 19th century Africa was colonised by several countries including Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Germany. The only countries that escaped colonialisation in Africa are Ethiopia and Liberia.

10. Africa also houses the longest river in the world, the Nile and the second highest waterfalls in the world, the Tugela Falls in South Africa.

Read more about the African continent here.

More Continent Facts for Kids

11. North America is a continent which is located entirely on the northern and western hemisphere. There are 23 countries in total on the North American continent. 

North American countries are:

North America Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

12. The the world's largest island Greenland is located on the North American continent. Greenland, however, belongs to Denmark, a country in Europe. Greenland is also known for the northernmost place in the world!

13. About 580 million people live on the North American continent. North America is home to the largest Christian population in the world. Almost 80% of the people in Canada, the USA and Mexico consider themselves as Christians. 

14. The Maya civilisation of Central America and Mexico is considered one of the oldest civilisations of this planet.

15. North America has the largest number of people who speak English either as their first language (231 million people) or as their second language fluently. English, however, is spoken by people in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Read more about North America here.

16. Europe is considered to be the wealthiest and richest continent, however, there are poor regions especially in the eastern parts of the continent too! 

17. Europe houses the two smallest countries in the world:

Europe Facts by Kids World Travel Guide
  • Vatican City which is located inside Rome/Italy 
  • Monaco which is bordered on three sides by France. 

18. According to the United Nations, there are 44 countries in Europe. Five European countries are among the ten smallest countries in the world: San Marino, Liechtenstein, Vatican City, Monaco and the island country of Malta. The other five tiny countries of our planet are located on islands outside Europe. 

Read more about the European continent here.

19. South America is a continent of many natural superlatives:

South America Facts by Kids World Travel Guide
  • the longest mountain range - the Andes
  • the highest waterfalls - the Angel Falls 
  • and the driest place on earth - the Atacama Desert in Chile. 

About 430 million people live in South America.

Read more amazing facts about the South American continent on our page here.

20. Antarctica is the smallest continent by population numbers. This means the huge continent is only sparsely populated.

Antarctica Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

On Antarctica there are only research stations for scientists and no permanent settlements. Antarctica is covered almost completely by ice. 90% of the planet's ice is located on this continent, which also makes up 60% - 70% of the world's freshwater supply. 

Read more about Antarctica here.

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More about the 7 Continents

Africa by Kids World Travel Guide
Asia by Kids World Travel Guide
North America by Kids World Travel Guide
South America by Kids World Travel Guide
Europe Facts by Kids World Travel Guide
Oceania by Kids World Travel Guide
Antarctica Facts by Kids World Travel Guide
Ocean Facts by Kids World Travel Guide

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Asia Quiz by Kids World Travel Guide
North America Quiz by Kids World Travel Guide
South America Quiz by Kids World Travel Guide
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Continent Facts | Further Resources

  • Paul Ward. "Frequently Asked Questions about Antarctica". Cool Antarctica. Last accessed 5 May 2023
  • Rick Noack and Lazaro Gamio. "The World's Languages". Washington Post. 23 April 2015. Last accessed 5 May 2023
  • Maropeng. "The Cradle of Human Kind World Heritage Site". Maropeng. Last accessed 5 May 2023
  • National Geographic. "World Atlas for Young Explorers". Washington: 2010Millennium House "Earth Condensed. The World Atlas". 2009

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