Planet Warriors

commended star essay

Commended Entry: "Planet Warriors" by Aishee Pal from Thailand

This article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2023 in the Senior Category 12 - 15 years.

planet warriors essay porpoise

Planet Warriors

Turkish playwright Mehmet Murat Ildan once said "Wildlife in the world can only be protected by the love of compassionate hearts in the world!" But what did he mean?

As you may know, our planet and the creatures that live on it are deteriorating. Forests are being cut down, and animals are becoming endangered, which are huge issues. Even so, there are heroes that aid in our wildlife’s recovery. We need to know what is happening to better understand how these heroes help.

Our world is growing, and because of this, more and more people use up resources without giving back. A result of this is deforestation due to the overuse of tree products without planting them back. Many forests are lost this way, which means the home of the wildlife that lived there is also lost. Another direct result is many species of animals and birds becoming endangered or worse, extinct.

Currently, the most endangered animal is a porpoise species named the Vaquita. There are only 10 left in the world. Why is wildlife so important? Millions and millions of different species inhabit Earth, and each of them is crucial as they play a part in our environment and are necessary for balance in our natural systems.

If one species goes extinct, others that depend on it are affected. For example, if fish went extinct, animals that mostly eat fish would go hungry. This is one reason we should conserve our wildlife for a better future. Thankfully, there are organizations like the WWF that help in these situations. Recently, since we are more aware of our actions, certain animals, such as the Irrawaddy Dolphin, are increasing in number and the environment is getting better.

Many large organizations have huge projects to help wildlife, but how do we, regular civilians, help? Some people may think you need to do something large and extravagant to make a difference, although that is not necessary.

Small deeds such as growing a plant, or taking care of stray animals can help the world, bit by bit. You can also help by being more aware of what and how much you consume. Using more eco-friendly alternatives in your daily life as well as practicing the three R’s (recycle, reuse, and reduce waste) can help as well.

You can also help by spreading the word and letting other people be more aware of their actions. When we are aware of the planet’s situation, we are more willing to do something about it.

Just like how one ripple in the water can make a gigantic wave, we too can influence other people in our lives to make more planet-conscious decisions and to help save the magic of our planet, wildlife.

Commended star essay

Congratulations on your essay "Planet Warriors", Aishee. Thanks for your motivation and being so planet-conscious!

Aishee Pal attends Ekamai International School in Thailand. English as First Language. Home Language is Bengali.

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