Olympics 2022

The Olympics 2022, which are the Winter Olympic Games in China, will be held from 4 February until 20 February 2022.

Beijing 2022 - image by Mirko Kuzmanovic/shutterstock.com

Let’s find out a bit more about the current Winter Olympics and learn some fun facts about this global multi-sports event.

To get some proper insights, let's start with some basic Olympic Games Facts everybody should know:

10 Olympics Facts 

  1. The Olympics are one of the most prestigious international sporting event for athletes from around the world.
  2. There are Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games which are both held every four years. Summer and Winter Olympics are spaced two years apart.
  3. The Olympics are held in different countries every time. Paralympic Games for athletes with impairment are held also every four years in the same country that hosts the Olympics.
  4. The original and so-called ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia/ Greece more than 2,800 years ago - in 776 BC.
  5. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in the summer of 1896.
  6. Pierre de Coubertin from France is the founder of the International Olympic Committee and seen as 'The Father of Olympics'.
  7. Since 1904 the first, second and third placed athlete of any event in the Olympics will win a gold, silver or bronze medal. 
  8. The Olympic symbol is shown on the Olympic flag. The five rings in blue, yellow, black, green and red are depicted on white background.
  9. The Olympic flame is always lit at the Temple of Hera in Olympia in Greece.
  10. The Olympic motto is Citius - Altius - Fortius which is from the Latin language and means 'Faster - Higher - Stronger'.

Beijing Olympics 2022
Winter Olympics

Now that we all know the basics, we can explore what's going on with the Olympics 2022.

The 2022 Winter Olympic Games are held from 4 to 20 February 2022 in Beijing/ China.

Beijing is the first city in the world to host the Winter Olympics and also have hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008 in the capital city of China.

In the 2022 Beijing Games, over 2,800 participants compete in 109 sporting events. The number of participants was smaller than in previous winter games due to the pandemic's restrictions.

The Beijing Olympics cover 7 sports - and 15 disciplines.

These 15 Olympics sports are made of snow sports and ice sports and include these

  • snow sports: Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Cross-Country Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Luge, Nordic Combined, Skeleton, Ski Jumping, Snowboard as well as
  • ice sports: Curling, Figure Skating, Ice Hockey, Short Track Speed Skating, Speed Skating

Several freestyle events, such as the big air freestyle for men and for women, boblseigh-mono bob for women and other mixed team competitions were added and will be held for the first time at the Beijing Olympics. 

Beijing Olympics 2022 Slogan: "Joy - Health - Energy"

The various events of the Olympics will be held in Beijing's National Stadium and other venues in the surrounding area.

The 2022 Olympic torch relay took in China only three days and led through only two cities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The cities were Beijing and Zhanjiakou. The torch relay is usually meant to showcase the cultural and scenic attractions of the country.

The torch relay began in Beijing on 2 February 2022. The slogan of the torch relay is "Joy - Health - Energy"

Beijing 2022 Olympics

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Games were held on 4 February 2022 in the national stadium in Beijing. 

The Beijing Paralympic Games for athletes with impairment will be held form 4 to 13 March 2022 in China as well.

The Beijing Olympics are controversially discussed due to human rights violations, extreme pandemic control measures and a diplomatic boycott of several countries such as the USA, Australia, Canada, Belgium and others. 

But this is not the only Olympics that encounter strong opposition, read in our Olympics facts about other Olympics such as those in Los Angeles and Moscow that were heatedly debated and boycotted. 

Beijing Olympics 2022 | Motto

The slogan of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing is ''Together for a Shared Future."

Olympics 2022 | Mascot

Bing Dwen Dwen - image by Calvin86/shutterstockBing Dwen Dwen - image by Calvin86

The official mascot of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games is Bing Dwen Dwen, a cheerful panda bear.

The name comes from the Mandarin Chinese words 'bing' (meaning 'ice' in English) and 'dwen dwen' (which means 'children' in English). The term refers to the wish for "purity and strength of our children and future".

The official mascot of the Paralympic Games is called Shuey Rhon Rhon. This mascot is red Chinese lantern child.

Beijing 2022 Olympics | Logo

The logo of the Beijing Olympics originates from the Chinese character of winter, which look like this: 

Can you see the ice skater in this logo?

Beijing 2022 logo image by Kovop58/shutterstock.com

The blue colour represents the purity of ice and snow and the red and yellow colour represent the colours of the Chinese flag as well as passion and vitality.

The logo of the Beijing Paralympics shows a similar pattern on top of the name and three coloured swooshes in red, blue and green under the name of the host city. 

Olympics in Beijing 2022

Beijing is the host city for the Olympics for the second time - after the 2008 Summer Olympics were held in the same city.

New sports disciplines this time include mixed team contests, big freestyle events and mono bob competition for women.

Take our Olympic Games Quiz

More about the Olympic Games

Olympics 2022 | Resources

  • The International Olympic Committee. "Olympic Games." Olympic.org. Last accessed 9 February 2022
  • The International Olympic Committee. "Beijing 2020." Olympic.org. Last accessed 9 February 2022
  • The International Olympic Committee. "Olympic House." Olympic.org. Last accessed 9 February 2022
  • The International Paralympic Committee. "Paralympics." Paralympic.org. Last accessed 9 February 2022 

Images on the Beijing Olympics 2022 page: Beijing Olympics Header Image: Mirko Kuzmanovic/ shutterstock.com; torch: KirillS/ shutterstock.com; Mascots: Calvin68/ shutterstock.com; Logo: Kovop58/ shutterstock.com

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**Olympics 2022**

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