My Dream Holiday To Canada

Essay Writing Competition 2017
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Runner Up -

Ishanshika lives in New Delhi in India and is a pupil at Sri Venkateshwar International school. Below you will find Ishanshika's fantasy trip to Canada, titled 'All Round Trip to Canada'. 

Canada Map for Kids - from shutterstock

All Round Trip to Canada

Waking up early in morning ending by sleeping under the stars, viewing sunrise ending by viewing sunset, having yummy breakfast ending up to divine dinner, going for shopping, eating lip-smacking street food and knowing cultures are the things I want to do in my dream holiday. Unfortunately I have never done this because of my own laziness but today I am going to the country of happiness, light and fortune. It is Canada. While exploring Canada, I got to know about many places, their culture, food and festivals. This will be a big tiring trip for us.

So let’s start with first stop that is viewing sun rise at 5h26; this the most beautiful moment I have ever seen. Having lavish breakfast and then going to see places.

Here comes the second stop that is Ottawa. This is the capital city of Canada. Here is the National Gallery of Canada. In Ottawa we are going to visit Parliament Hill. A 'Changing of the Guard' ceremony is held in lawn of the same. It is decorous. In the evening there are spectacular lighting effects and music. Then I am going to the next place which is ByWard Market, which is a shopping district with many restaurants. While shopping I find newfangled clothes with different design, many art pieces and much more. After so much shopping let's have our lunch at a restaurant. I have never eaten a sweet corn pancake. It is the first time I am having it; it is really delicious! Now let’s have some street food. For street food I am having sandwiches and croissants.

It is evening and here is our third stop: Niagara Falls. It looks colorful in evening. It is the best waterfall I have ever seen and we also have a cruise there. Looking up and down, everywhere there are colors of brightness and happiness. It is a feeling of peace standing in the middle of colors, viewing sunset under colors. The next place was waiting for me!

This is our forth stop. [And we are back to Ottawa.] that is the Canadian War Museum and the National Gallery of Canada. There are many things to explore in the above. By the way, I got to know that The Montreal Death Wheel is one of Canada’s most celebrated treasures!

Now we ready to go to our fifth stop that is Britannia beach. On this beach, we have picnic tables and a play area. This is the reason I liked this beach. There are many other beaches, we will visit. These are Petrie Island Beach and Westboro Beach. They both also have snack bars with tables.

I got to know about many festivals of Canada among them are: Vancouver's 'Celebration of Light' which is on every summer and Canada Day celebrated on July 1. These are quite interesting. After so much exploring I got to know that Canada doesn’t have any national bird. Ice Hockey is very popular in Canada. This was a very big journey and now we are going to say goodbye to Canada and carry all the memories with us.


Ishanshika shares with us her plan of visiting different places on a whirlwind route through Ontario province. She further explored some of Canada's main attractions and researched country facts during the stops along her route and describes vividly what fascinates her about the country. Ishanshika, we hope that one day, you will visit your dream country during an extended holiday! Lovely research! Congratulations!

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