Incredible India

Essay Writing Competition 2016
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Winner -

Sree lives in Iowa in the United States and is a pupil in Timberline School. Below you will find Sree's award-winning essay called 'Incredible India'.

Incredible India

The sun filtered in through the windows. In the distance, early morning prayers could be heard from the surroundings temples and mosques. In a few minutes the city will be fully awake, the sunshine pounding down on everything it touches, clearing the morning haze. I can hear the honks of vehicles, rushing to get to wherever is needed.

India is a country bustling with life. Every road and street, nook and cranny, you see, there is an essence that can’t be missed. There is much diversity throughout India, each state with its it own unique traditions and cultural customs that give the lively country a soul. I can sense the diversity around me in many ways. In the Himalayas, I can see beautiful snow capped mountains that take my breath away. In Hyderabad, I hear the jingle of glass bangles being sold by the Charminar. I can smell the aromas of samosas coming from a quaint home in New Delhi. I can taste the chaat and the multiple flavors that attack my mouth as I stand in the streets of Mumbai and I can touch the the smooth marble of the Taj Mahal in Agra.

No matter where you’re from, there are some things that everyone must experience in their lifetime. Like taking part in the festival of color, Holi, where get doused in powder and liquid dyes. Or visiting the many forts and temples scattered across the sub-continent. You can even go see Bengal Tigers, among other wildlife in one of the 515 sanctuaries and national parks located in India.

From the mountains to the beaches, and everything in between there is so much to explore, find, and see. It’s easy to get lost in the excitement of the people there whether you’re a local or there to visit. You will find yourself in the only country filled with so much culture and diversity.

The only country with the great name of India.

In the Age category 12 - 15 years, Sree shares with us the passion for India. We can see, smell and taste the flavours of the country and are very grateful for this beautiful essay. Well done, Sree! Congratulations!

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