Happiness is a Habit

Essay Writing Competition 2022
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Winner -

Essay Contest Winner is "Happiness is a Habit" written by Anshika Singla

Happiness Competition Winner 2022

Happiness is a Habit

What makes you happy and motivates you every day to go on and thrive What is happiness?

Happiness is defined in the dictionary as "the state of well-being and contentment or a pleasurable or satisfying experience." But happiness is different for everyone.

Everyone feels happy because of different things or happenings. What makes one person really happy could seem boring or banal to another. What motivates one person could demotivate another. Throughout my day, multiple things make me happy.

Small things like a heart-warming scene in a book or a song that has a catchy beat I love can make me happy. Sometimes I may have a free period in school, or I may get a little treat or present. I might really like the lunch my mother makes one day. All these are small day to day occurrences that make me happy.

Sometimes I might win the basketball match in school, or I might score full marks in a test. That'll make me a little more happy. Then there are bigger things, like making the school badminton team or having the highest marks among all the students in an exam. If these things happen, I'd be thrilled. Such incidents would keep my spirits high for quite a bit of time. The things or incidents that make me happy also motivate me.

I wake up every day knowing that at least something good is going to happen today. It may just be a compliment or finally nailing that tricky chord on the guitar, but it is something. Something to look forward to everyday. It doesn't always have to be a vacation or a birthday or a party that brightens up my day.

What motivates me isn't always huge or life changing. Something as simple as finally getting a task off me to do list or the promise of a new book or game motivates me. That's why you should let small things make you happy. If the prospect of an event making you happy is almost always there, you'll be more motivated to do your best. You know that if you do a certain action your reward will be happiness. And happiness is always desired.

The happier you are and the more motivated you are, the better life you'll have. If you're happy, you'll enjoy more things and have a more productive day. If you're happy your health won't deteriorate as much. That's why I let tiny incidents and things motivate me and make me happy. I'll be cheerful most of the time and enjoy life. I'll be motivated to go on in times of strife. I'll be relishing and taking pleasure in every little thing.

In the Age category 12 - 15 years, Anshika's inspirational essay "Happiness is a Habit" was chosen the winning essay. This essay tells us about the realisation that happiness can be found anywhere! Even in the smallest things around us. Thank you for your motivation! Such heartwarming writing is what we all shall read again and again.

Well done, Anshika! We shall remember your wise words and live by them! Congratulations!

Anshika is a student at Vivek High School Chandigarh in India. English is the first language of the student.

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