Geography Superlatives

Are you looking for the world's geography superlatives?

Let's start with some really fun and easy continent facts and then move on to interesting facts about the world's countries and people. 

Don't forget to take our geography quiz on the tallest, longest, largest ... check your knowledge of geographical facts! If you get stuck, we hope the images provided will help you with your answers.

geography superlatives

Take the quiz, scroll slowly down the page and read the hints under the images if you get stuck. 

20 Fun Geography Superlatives

Let's start with two easy example questions...

Example: Which is the world's largest continent and which is the smallest?

Asia is the biggest continent. Did you know that Asia is more than four times as big as the USA?

superlatives continents at a glance

Australia/Oceania is the smallest continent. Australia is actually smaller than the country of Brazil on the South American continent and is also only half as big as Russia, the largest country in the world! 

If you want to brush up your knowledge, read more about the continents on our special Continents Facts page here first. 

Ready? Then off we go...

Geography Superlatives  

1. Which continent has the world's highest mountains?

HimalayasOn the largest continent you will find the world's highest peaks

Asia. The Himalayan mountains are the highest mountains in the world, well of course we mean the highest mountains above sea level ;-)Read our Asia Facts for more info here.

2. On which continent are the most countries? 

The African continent includes 54 countries. Read our Africa Facts for more info here.

3. Which continent has the longest mountain range? 

alpacasAlpacas live on this continent

South America's Andes mountains are the longest mountain range in the world. The Andes stretch over seven countries in South America! Read more about South America here. 

4. Which is the world's largest ocean? 

California oceanCalifornia/USA is bordering this ocean

The Pacific Ocean which is not only the largest, but also the deepest ocean. Read our Pacific Ocean Facts here.

5. Which is the planet's longest river? 

Nile riverThe river's delta is in Egypt

The Nile with 6,853 km/ 4,258 miles in length is the longest river. It flows northwards through 11 countries in Northeastern Africa and drains into the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt.

6. Where is the Earth's tallest Mountain?

Mount EverestThis mountain's peak has been first reached by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953 - today many climbers hike up to the base camp.

Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is located in Nepal in the Himalayas. It is 8,850 metres/29,035ft high. Mount Everest is located on the Asian continent.

7. Where is the lowest point on the Earth's surface? 

Dead seaHere the salt concentration of the water is so high, people can float easily on the lake

The lowest point on any continent is located at the Dead Sea which is a salt lake bordering Israel, Jordan and the West Bank. The shoreline or the surface of the Dead Sea lies 423 metres/ 1,388 ft. below sea level.

8. Where are the world's highest waterfalls?

Angel fallsThese waterfalls are in Southern America and are named after an US pilot who first flew over the falls in 1960

The Angel Falls in Venezuela are the highest waterfalls in the world with 979 metres/ 3,212 ft in hight. They are named after Jimmie Angel, an US aviator.

9. Which is the world's deepest lake? 

Snowy lake baikalThe Lake is in a very remote part of Siberia

The world's deepest lake is Lake Baikal in Siberia/Russia with 1,642 metres/5,387 ft. Here the ice is up to one metre thick in winter so an ice road leads over the surface. This drive is a popular tourist attraction in the area - but only for the brave!

10. What is the planet's biggest lake?

Baku at night by R Andrei/Shutterstock.comThe three Flame Towers in the city of Baku are located on this lake

The Caspian Sea has an average depth of 211 metres/ 690 ft. The huge lake shores are bordered by five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan.

11. Which country has the most islands?

Stockholm aerialThe country's capital city Stockholm and the surrounding region is located on more than 14,000 islands.

Sweden - with more than 257,000 islands, however, most of the Swedish islands are not inhabited! Read this interesting article about islands here.

12. Which is the world's biggest archipelago?

IndonesiaThe Indonesian islands are part of this archipelago

The Malay archipelago including Indonesia that claims 17,508 islands on their territory and the Philippines with more than 7,600 islands. 

13. What is the world's largest island?

Island greenlandThe island is referred to as Kalaallit Nunaat

Greenland, which is almost four times smaller than the island of Australia. However, Australia is commonly considered as a continent and not as an island.

14. Which language is spoken by the most people?

languagesThe language's letters are called 'characters'

Mandarin Chinese is spoken by about one billion people. There is no alphabet but 'characters' (signs and symbols) The children learn to write Chinese at school and more than 4,000 of these have to be learnt by heart, practised and memorised.

15. Which is the world's largest country? 

st Basil cathedral MoscowSaint Basil's Cathedral in the country's capital city Moscow

The world's largest country is Russia (17,075,400 sq km/ 6,592,846 sq miles). So it's no wonder Russia is also the country with the most land borders as the huge country borders 14 neighbouring countries.

16. Which is the highest capital city in the world?

La Paz, capital city of BoliviaThis city is the capital of Bolivia

La Paz is the highest city in the world. The capital city of Bolivia is located on a plateau in the Andes mountains at more than 3,640 metres/11,942ft. above sea level!

17. Which is the world's smallest country

VaticanoSaint Peter's Basilica and home of the Pope

Geography Superlatives: The world's smallest country is Vatican City (0.44sq km/0.169sq miles). But it's not only the smallest country by size but also by population! Only around 800 people live in Vatican City. The state is ruled by the Pope.

18. Which is the country with the largest population?

image by Sean Pavone/Shutterstock.comThe people speak Mandarin there and the famous promenade is called 'Bund'.

Geography Superlatives: In China live more than 1.3 billion people. China is also home of the largest city in the world, Shanghai. More than 26 million people live and work in this city. 

19. Which is the most sparsely populated country in the world?

Oryx antelope in NamibiaThe oryx antelope lives in the deserts of this country

Namibia in Southern Africa. There only 3 people per sq km/8 people per sq mile!. Namibian people mainly live in Namibia's capital Windhoek and in small towns or on farms. Read our Namibia Facts here.

20. Which is the most densely populated country in the world? 

Most populated country: MonacoMany famous racing drivers and athletes live in this European country

Monaco is the country with the highest population density. More than 18,000 people live there per sq km/48,500 people per sq mile. Monaco is the second smallest country in the world and borders France and the Mediterrean Sea. It has one of the most famous car racing tracks in the world too!

We hope you enjoyed our Geography Superlatives Quiz. Have you already mastered the Geoquiz Questions here or would you like to do the quiz on a worksheet?

We have got you covered! Look here :-)

Geography superlatives worksheet

Useful Resources for Geography Superlatives and more:

  • Central Intelligence Agency. "WorldFactBook". Last updated 24 February 2021. Last accessed 29 January 204
  • National Geographic Society. "Kids World Atlas". Washington: 2010.
  • DK Publishing. "Earth Condensed - The World Atlas"  London: 2009

Images on this Geography Superlatives page: and own images

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