Hope is the Dream of an awake person

Commended Entry: "Hope is the dream of an awake person" by Angelos Kandilas from Greece

This article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2021 in the Senior Category 12 - 15 years.

Hope is the Dream of an Awake Person

I live and I hope! Hope is the saving power of our soul. Motivating force, animator and life that gives vision and meaning to our steps, sweet expectation of realization of our dreams and motivation of education, learning and performance to achieve our goals.

Hope and expectation, sister concepts, nest in our soul and by dancing they disturb the peace of mind that envisions a future, where the avenue of our dreams and desires becomes a reality!

It is a motivation for life and action. We see it in the look and smile of the child, in the confident speech of the young and in the serene look of the old! Support of the helpless, joy and redemption of the disappointed, love for life and pleasant companionship. Hopeless, human action would be unfounded and futile.

Hope can be defined as the desire for something combined with the expectation that it will happen. In order to hope for something, there must be an element of desire.

As we know from the ancient Greek legend of Pandora, the princess of ancient Greece, received from the gods who envied her beauty, a gift, which was a strange box. But they warned her never to open it. She was very curious and was tempted to open the box. The result of this act was to free the world of all sufferings, such as diseases, famines, madness. A god who felt sorry for her, let her close the box just in time, to capture the antidote that makes misery bearable: the hope.

Hope means success and happiness. Those who hope are less likely to be overwhelmed by stress and depression. People who have hope are pursuing their goals and are optimistic about achieving them.

Hope is a very realistic feeling. It is about being honest with yourself about the situations in your life as you look ahead to possible positive developments for your future.

Hoping even in the midst of difficulties can be a very rewarding strategy, as it is a driving force to keep someone fighting and alive! We can hope and we need to hope! There is no I cannot but I do not want! Hope "protects" our lives!

Hope is a necessary element of human action: the ability to perceive future things in their uncertainty as a field that is hospitable to our plans. Without hope, our motives for action are nullified. The concept of hope includes goal setting and finding ways to achieve them.

But above all, hope is an emotion and is related to our perception that we can achieve something. Finally, Hope is ubiquitous in our lives: it thrives, it is reborn. We invoke it in moments of crisis, such as the one we all experienced and still continue, and we consider it a natural continuation of reality in moments of prosperity.

Congratulations on your essay "Hope is the Dream of an awake person", Angelos. Such a powerful essay! Well composed and skillfully written. The myth of Pandora's Box has been craftfully incorporated. Thank you! Well done!

Angelos Kandilas is a student at Music School of Athens in Greece.

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